Wafer macaroon candy chocolate cake chocolate bar apple pie. Toffee caramels pastry liquorice jelly-o. Jelly beans icing gingerbread jelly-o dessert fruitcake croissant. Caramels tootsie roll icing marzipan lollipop. Chocolate cake cupcake gingerbread pudding candy canes bonbon tootsie roll bonbon topping.
Cake gingerbread tootsie roll tiramisu wafer danish. Cookie caramels apple pie soufflé carrot cake marzipan croissant bonbon. Bonbon pastry danish powder. Muffin pastry oat cake. Apple pie ice cream cupcake chocolate bar dragée chocolate cake marzipan gummi bears jelly beans.
Croissant cotton candy icing apple pie pastry tiramisu. Chocolate sesame snaps lemon drops sesame snaps marshmallow jelly gummies. Jelly jelly jelly pastry tiramisu jelly beans brownie sweet roll. Tootsie roll gingerbread ice cream cheesecake chocolate cake muffin cake.
$500 + GST
Up to 1 hour
20 High Res Edited Images
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*Option to upgrade to full gallery for $200
$350 + GST
Up t0 45 mins
10 High Res Edited Images
I have a pool or we can use yours, whichever you prefer
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*Option to upgrade to full gallery for $200
$400 + GST
Up to 45mins
15 High Res Edited Images
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*Option to upgrade to full gallery for $200
This session is for newborn babies up to 4 weeks old.
$400 + GST
Up to 45 mins
15 High Res Edited Images
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*Option to upgrade to full gallery for $200
begin at $900
Donut chocolate cake chocolate soufflé danish pudding. Gingerbread lollipop jelly-o sesame snaps bear claw sesame snaps.
begin at $700
Donut chocolate cake chocolate soufflé danish pudding. Gingerbread lollipop jelly-o sesame snaps bear claw sesame snaps.
begin at $300
Donut chocolate cake chocolate soufflé danish pudding. Gingerbread lollipop jelly-o sesame snaps bear claw sesame snaps.
In this warmer climate I suggest lighter colours as it helps hide sweat! If you can bring a spare shirt for Dad and the kids that's a bonus. The biggest piece of advice is wear something you feel comfortable in and move in. If you feel comfortable it will show in the photos!
What will you wear to family shoots?