I'm so excited you are here! Welcome to my world of capturing your world here in beautiful Cairns QLD. The most beautiful moments in life are often messy, chaotic yet fleeting. I aim to capture moments for you. 

Your beautiful growing belly in a maternity session that you will never regret. Freezing in time the newborn stage you never want to forget; from your babies tiny toes to their sweet little pout. Capturing your family's different chapters as everyone grows and changes.

For me it's not about the perfect photo where everyone is looking, it's about capturing your love, your happiness.

My very own maternity shoot. When i feel in love with this style and pregnant bellies 

Jody Simpson Photography

I'm Jody

Love, Jody

I am a mother of 2 gorgeous crazy boys and wife to a patient saint for a man who puts up with my 101 plans. Our life is loud, chaotic but full of love. Photography for me was never actually where I saw my life taking me, to be honest I just found myself in this world and fell in love with it. When people would ask me what my passion is or what my hobby is, I would often reply 'Does wine and clothes count?' (and they do!) but then I found photography. I realised I have a talent for capturing those in between moments, the real, raw, love in your eyes kind of feeling. That is when Jody Simpson Photography was born! This never feels like a job for me. It feels like I'm spending time with friends. I am always so grateful for those who trust me and allow me into their world. 

If you are considering booking a shoot I would love chat! You can view my pricing, book a session or send me an email.  

My story

"Life is about the little moments in time"

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